
Addiction Treatment In Columbus, Ohio

by | Jul 5, 2022

Addiction can be a challenging and isolating struggle, but it is important to remember that you are not alone. If you are seeking addiction treatment in Louisville, Kentucky, there is hope.

With addiction rates rising across the country, the US is in the middle of an epidemic concerning drug and alcohol abuse. This level of drug use saw an increase in death from an overdose of 28.9% in 2019-2020; however, in the same period in Columbus, Ohio, this increase was closer to 46% – in the first three months of 2020 alone, there were 191 reported overdose deaths with the Franklin County Coroner’s office.

Sadly, Columbus, Ohio, is no stranger to substance abuse but has recently shifted from heroin and prescription opioids to laced heroin, fentanyl, and meth. And while alcohol and marijuana are the most abused substance in the area, the drugs doing the most damage are heroin and fentanyl.

Supporting sobriety via inpatient services and addiction treatment in Columbus, Ohio, at the Louisville Addiction Treatment Center helps those who need to break the addiction cycle with a personalized treatment plan.

Getting Addiction Treatment in Columbus Ohio

For most people getting addiction treatment is down to the cost. If you cannot afford the treatment program, your chances of seeing success will be significantly reduced.

It is a good idea to contact your insurance company to see if you can claim your insurance, as this will significantly reduce the out-of-pocket costs for addiction treatment.

Once you have a better idea of your finances, you need to look at the location of the treatment center to determine how you will need to accommodate treatment in your lifestyle. Extensive outpatient treatment in Columbus, Ohio will require frequent visits to a clinic to facilitate your journey to sobriety and support your recovery. So you need to ensure you can easily travel to the clinic when required for all of your appointments. This is especially important as you are detoxing and medical staff will be on hand to monitor and alleviate symptoms associated with the substance. 

It can be beneficial for those with severe alcohol or drug use to consider inpatient treatment to help them complete your detox program. Experienced staff and trained professionals can work with you to determine the right treatment plan and support for your needs. The duration and intensity of the treatment plan required will depend on your circumstances to get the most benefit.

You can also look at extensive outpatient support and Telemed services that allow you to travel to and from the location while still living at home and going about your life. This option still gives you the full support you would get from the inpatient option and multiple pathways for treatment but allows you to remain at home and get help from family and friends.

Poor mental health is one of the main reasons people relapse into addiction. Addiction specialists also support your mental health as this plays a big part in how successful your recovery is and how well you can move forward and maintain sobriety. Group therapy and family therapy options are also available to help you get your support.

There is a treatment plan for everyone who wants help and support becoming sober and starting a new path.

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