How Can Telehealth Be a Lifeline for Those in Drug Addiction Recovery?

by | Jan 11, 2023

Addiction can be a challenging and isolating struggle, but it is important to remember that you are not alone. If you are seeking addiction treatment in Louisville, Kentucky, there is hope.

Telehealth, also known as remote care, is the use of technology to connect people remotely. It can be used for a variety of purposes, but one of them is drug addiction recovery. Telehealth plays an important role in rehabilitating addicts by connecting them to special counselors who can help them take control of their addictions. 

Effective communication is just as important as any other aspect of treatment. When you are in a remote location, getting the proper support you need becomes even more difficult. That’s where telehealth comes in handy. 

It connects people with the right mental health professionals at the right time and place without having to physically travel all the way there. You read that right – telehealth can play a vital role in your drug and alcohol addiction recovery process.

What Causes Addiction?

The process of addiction starts when a vulnerable person unknowingly starts taking drugs or drinking alcohol in excessive amounts. A family member or close friend may also be addicted and might have used drugs or alcohol as a child themselves. 

There also may be a genetic predisposition to be addicted to certain substances, as certain genes have been identified that are linked to addiction. More often than not,  mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, or a personality disorder that has not been treated go hand in hand with addiction. 

When a person has an underlying mental health issue, they are much more likely to become addicted to drugs or alcohol to cope with their feelings. Self-medicating mental health issues by first trying to solve the feelings with alcohol or drugs is common. 

How Do You Get Addicted to a Substance?

Addiction is a brain disease. The human brain is very complex, and it is possible for someone to become addicted to drugs regardless of genetics, upbringing, or environment. The causes of addiction are complex and individual. 

It is possible to build a tolerance very quickly, and by the time you feel the need to stop, you have a serious dependency. There are several reasons why people get addicted to substances.

In the first place, they may be trying to cope with stress at home, school, or work. Secondly, some substances can act as a “feel good” drug. Thirdly, certain substances can be used to alter your consciousness and can become an addiction.

Signs of Addiction

You might be addicted to drugs or alcohol if: 

  • You have a strong desire for the substance and feel a “ compulsion ” to take it 
  • You feel a strong need or “withdrawal” when you don’t take the substance 
  • You feel miserable or depressed without the substance 
  • You’ve tried to cut back or “detox” from your substance but failed 
  • You’ve hurt or damaged relationships due to your substance use 
  • You use your substance more than you earn, spend, or save 

Addiction is a progressive disease that generally gets worse over time. Therefore, seeking help as soon as possible is essential if you think you have a problem.

Recognising You Need Help

Although substance abuse might seem normal and natural for some people, it is not. It is important to recognize when you or someone else is abusing substances because this can help protect those involved from serious health risks and legal issues. 

There are many ways to prevent substance abuse. If you are planning on experimenting with drugs or alcohol, it is important to remember that doing so is dangerous and can lead to addiction. This is why it is important to get help before experimenting with drugs or alcohol. 

If you are already addicted to substances, it is also important to remember that addiction can be a serious disease that requires treatment and support.

What Is Telehealth?

Telehealth is the use of technology to connect people remotely. This is usually done through video conferencing, audio conferencing, or virtual reality. It is used to help people access healthcare services, mental health services, and drug and alcohol treatment services more easily. 

Telehealth is used for many important reasons. It can be helpful for someone recovering from substance abuse because it can help you connect with a substance abuse counselor if you are too far away from a facility that offers treatment. 

It can also be helpful for someone recovering from mental illness because it can connect you with a therapist if you don’t feel comfortable going to a clinic or hospital. With telehealth, you can connect with these services from your home or another remote location, so you don’t have to travel to get help.

Why Is Telehealth Important in Addiction Recovery?

When you are ready to take control of your addiction and start the process of recovery, you will naturally want to find the right treatment program. Telehealth can be the perfect way to find the right treatment program. It can help you explore your options and find a treatment program that is right for you. 

How Can Telehealth Help You Recover From Addiction?

One of the main reasons why you should consider telehealth in your drug addiction recovery process is because it helps you connect with a treatment program. This is crucial because it helps you explore options and find the right treatment program for your lifestyle, drug addiction, and individual needs. 

With the right therapy, you can use the connections made through telehealth to work through your addiction and start the recovery process. With the right support and guidance, you can use the connections made through telehealth to work through your addiction and start the recovery process. Louisville Addiction Treatment Center can assist you in your recovery. 

How To Use Telehealth in Your Drug Addiction Recovery Program

This is where you need to use your telehealth connections wisely. You need to get to know the therapist or counselor that you connect with well. You need to establish a connection that is based on honesty and free of any form of deceit. 

You need to be aware that the recovery process is very personal and it takes time. So, you need to get to know your therapist on a personal level. You can do that by calling them, emailing them, or chatting with them on social media. You can use these connections to ask them about their background, their addiction recovery process, and their respective treatment program. 

If you are in an outpatient drug rehab program, make sure you use your connections to stay in touch with the program. This can be done through calls, video calls, social media, etc. You can also use these connections to stay in touch with the program by calling or emailing them when you have questions or want suggestions on how to improve.

Intensive Outpatient Program

The Louisville Impact Outpatient Program is a one-of-a-kind outpatient drug and alcohol treatment center that offers a path to lasting, sustainable recovery. An intensive outpatient program will allow you to receive addiction treatment while remaining at home with your family. 

This program can be much more affordable as you’re able to carry on with your life as normal without extra food or housing expenses. It is designed to allow patients to maintain elements of their regular routine while attending therapy between five and seven days per week, depending on the program’s intensity. 

Intensive outpatient programs can be personalized depending on how many sessions you will attend and how long your program can last. 

Outpatient Program

Whilst the intensive outpatient program may be suitable for some, the outpatient program can offer a step-down level of care that incorporates the foundations of drug and alcohol recovery on a less intense basis. It can be a suitable option for those who have recently completed an inpatient treatment program or have a mild substance abuse problem. 

The program also integrates aftercare and alumni programs which can be beneficial for ongoing medical treatment, continuous therapy, and transitions into daily life. Both the intensive outpatient program and outpatient program offer multiple pathways to addiction recovery through traditional and evidence-based programming at the Louisville treatment center. 

Who Can Access Addiction Treatment?

Whilst there are biological and societal differences in the way men and women experience addiction, the significance between men’s rates and women’s rates of drug abuse is becoming less and less. 

Alcohol and drugs can be used to cope with mental health problems and can make recovery a difficult time, especially in women, who are more likely to develop these kinds of disorders than men. However, addiction treatment is for everyone, including men, women, veterans, professionals, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and more.

Get Help

With the growing interest in using technology as treatment, it is no wonder that telehealth has become so popular. With the right setup, this can be a lifeline to help with drug addiction recovery.  You will find that the same people who are using this form of treatment are also using other forms of technology to help them stay connected and in control. With the right setup, telehealth can be beneficial. Connect with drug and alcohol treatment services that are located in your area today.

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