Intensive Outpatient Drug Treatment In Louisville

by | Jul 17, 2021

Addiction can be a challenging and isolating struggle, but it is important to remember that you are not alone. If you are seeking addiction treatment in Louisville, Kentucky, there is hope.

When you need support to overcome drug and alcohol addiction but also want to keep living your normal life without lengthy stays in rehab, intensive outpatient drug treatment in Louisville is the answer. By providing the best of both worlds, our team of friendly and experienced careers can lead you along the path to a sober future in a convenient and cost-effective method that is shown to deliver lasting rewards.

Whether getting help for yourself or a loved one, get in touch to find out more about our intensive outpatient drug treatment in Louisville services today!

What is Intensive Outpatient Drug Treatment In Louisville?

Intensive Outpatient Drug Treatment In Louisville

Intensive outpatient drug treatment, also known as intensive outpatient programs or IOPs, is a form of treatment that addresses your addictions and dependencies without the need for overnight stays (inpatient services) at the rehab center.

An intensive outpatient drug treatment program can vary from person to person depending on the type of addiction that they are suffering from. Our team of specialists can help you or your loved one with:

  • Alcohol addiction
  • Cocaine addiction
  • Heroin addiction
  • Marijuana addiction
  • Methamphetamine addiction
  • Prescription drug addiction

The intensive outpatient program works much like a standard outpatient program. It will include a range of group therapy sessions, personal behavioral therapy, and other strategies that can help you break free from dependence. The main difference from traditional treatments is that the sessions are more frequent, lasting for up to 10 hours per day for a period of 3 to 5 days.

IOPs take place in our comfortable facilities which are conveniently located for patients living in Louisville, allowing them to return home at the end of the day’s sessions.

Why Choose Intensive Outpatient Drug Treatment?

Intensive Outpatient Drug Treatment In Louisville

Intensive outpatient programs don’t work for everyone. Anyone that has a severe addiction will be better suited to the 24/7 care of an inpatient scheme that includes withdrawal symptom management. For people with mild to moderate addiction, IOPs are often seen as the most attractive option.

If an intensive outpatient drug treatment program is deemed suitable for your individual circumstances, the following benefits may be gained from this type of treatment:

  • Patients can get help without disrupting their daily life.
  • There is no need to be separated from your family for long periods.
  • Group therapy sessions remove the stigma and sense of being alone on this journey.
  • All sessions are completed locally in Louisville, removing the need to travel.
  • The fact it does not involve overnight stays makes it a more affordable treatment.

Furthermore, intensive outpatient drug treatment programs can promote a smoother transition back to living a sober life. This is something often missing with inpatient treatments where you may get clean at the rehab center but struggle in the real world. As such, you have a better chance of avoiding relapses.

Intensive outpatient drug treatment can be the most convenient, affordable, and effective way to remove addiction from your life. When supported by our team of experts who specialize in delivering IOPs, your hopes will look better than ever.

Trustworthy Intensive Outpatient Drug Treatment In Louisville

Intensive Outpatient Drug Treatment In Louisville

When committing to an intensive outpatient program, you need to know that you (or your loved one) will receive the very best level of care from the very first interaction to the last. Our dedicated IOP services deliver everything you need to get off the wagon and stay off the wagon – all without losing the benefits of continuing to live a normal life.

We have helped hundreds of people like you overcome their addictions and unlock a far better quality of life. Some of the most telling reasons for choosing our program include:

  • Our services are underpinned by compassion and confidentiality.
  • We treat all patients as individuals and understand your lifestyle commitments.
  • We are fully qualified and trained to deal with all of the drug rehab programs offered.
  • Our team will only put you on a program if we think it will work.
  • We pride ourselves on offering the most affordable and effective services available.

Intensive outpatient drug treatment programs work best when they are designed to help you transition back into a normal life rather than complete the initial detox. Therefore, many severe addicts will complete detox first before moving to the IOP. 

Whether you are a better candidate for a standalone intensive outpatient drug treatment program or use it as a key component in a more extensive treatment plan, we guarantee a professional and caring approach to beating drug addiction once and for all.

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