Couple’s Drug Rehab at Impact IOP

by | Aug 13, 2022

Addiction can be a challenging and isolating struggle, but it is important to remember that you are not alone. If you are seeking addiction treatment in Louisville, Kentucky, there is hope.

Deciding to get treatment for your alcohol or drug use is a significant step toward your recovery. This is an opportunity that some, unfortunately, do not get. One of the things that will be discussed during your treatment is the importance of having a sober and supportive environment at home. So what about the individuals whose partners are struggling with their own addiction? How can they move forward?

Couples rehab programs can be a great option for partners who are in this situation. When we talk about the couples’ treatment programs, it is important to note there is no requirement for the length of time the couple has been together. The truth is, if two people struggling with addiction both get treatment at the same time, the chances they will have a healthier recovery increases. 

Couple’s rehab programs can be offered at a variety of levels of care and are dependent on the treatment facility. This means it is possible for couples to both attend an inpatient rehab program, and continue with outpatient treatment when they are discharged.

Benefits of a Couple’s Inpatient Drug Rehab

If you and your partner are ready to embark on this step in your addiction, there are several benefits that you can experience. The gains you experience will be directly impacted by the effort that you put into your recovery. It is hard to be vulnerable and listening to feedback can be difficult. Try to keep an open mind during the process.

One concern that can arise in couples that struggle with addiction is the presence of unhealthy relationship patterns. This can include codependency and enabling patterns. Enabling often occurs in codependent relationships. Codependency can be described as one partner taking care of the other rather than letting them take care of themselves. The caretaker tends to put their own needs on the back burner. This can lead to feelings of frustration and resentment.  While you are in a couples addiction rehab, you will receive education about this and other unhealthy relationship patterns. If any of the patterns are present, then you can work with counselors to adjust them. 

Couples drug rehab facilities can help you improve your communication. This can include addressing any underlying resentments and emotions that impact your ability to communicate. You will learn about emotion regulation skills and effective communication strategies that can help you get your thoughts across in a more effective way.

Your couple’s addiction program will also give you time to focus on your own addiction. This could mean that you are placed in different therapy groups. Being in different groups can allow you to be more present in the moment, rather than being distracted by your loved one.

What to Expect at a Couple’s Addiction Rehab

When you first arrive at an addiction rehab, inpatient or outpatient, your first step will be to meet with a staff member separately for an intake appointment. During this appointment, time will be spent exploring your drug and alcohol use, the consequences of your use, and your goals for recovery. Once they have a better understanding of your needs, they will then discuss their treatment recommendation. 

If you are engaged in an inpatient treatment program, you and your partner will likely be placed in different therapy groups. The reason for this is to allow you to focus on yourself, rather than your partner and your relationship with them. 

Similarly, outpatient treatment programs will likely place you and your partner in different groups for the same reason. As you progress in your recovery, you will likely move through different components of the outpatient treatment program. For example, you may begin in their partial hospitalization or intensive outpatient program. After you completed these programs, you would be able to move into an outpatient program that reflects your progress. 

Both inpatient and outpatient treatment programs can provide you with mental health treatment. Individuals who struggle with both mental health and addiction concerns have a better chance of a successful recovery if they are in treatment for both concerns. Common mental health concerns include anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, trauma, and PTSD. 

Additionally, some treatment programs offer specialized treatment options that are designed to address specific concerns that are unique to some individuals. This can include groups for men, women, members of the LGBTQ+ community, first responders, college students, and professionals. 

If you are wondering about a couples inpatient rehab near me, Impact IOP can help you find an addiction program. To learn more about the outpatient services available at Impact IOP, you may call (502)912-1038 to speak with a representative today.

Our Couple’s Drug Rehab Center

Impact IOP is an outpatient addiction treatment program located in Mt.Washington, KY. When you first come to meet with us, we will sit with you, individually, to learn more about your experience with addiction, and any mental health concerns you have been struggling with. Once we have a better understanding of you and your goals, we will work together to establish a treatment plan. If we feel that you would benefit from an inpatient addiction rehab program, we can provide you with referrals for programs that would be suited to your needs. 

When it comes to outpatient treatment, Impact IOP offers a variety of outpatient addiction programs. One option we have is a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP). These programs are also referred to as day programs because they can be 6-8 hour days of treatment several days each week. These programs can be a great fit for individuals who complete an inpatient treatment program and need a bit more support when they return home. 

Our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) can also be a great fit for individuals who have completed an inpatient treatment program. This program will have you attending 15 to 25 hours of group therapy each week with one hour of individual therapy. 

After IOP, you would then move on to our Outpatient Treatment Program which will focus on supporting you through your recovery. Navigating the changes that come with recovery can be challenging. Group sessions provide you with a safe place to talk about your concerns and celebrate your successes. 

Our treatment program is designed for a variety of substances including alcohol, opioids, and benzodiazepines. We have mental health treatment programs for mental health concerns including anxiety, depression, bipolar, PTSD, and trauma. Additionally, we have treatment programs for men, women, college students, professionals, and members of the LGBTQ+ community.

To learn more about Impact IOP’s couples drug rehab center, we invite you to speak with a representative by calling (502)912-1038. Our representatives are standing by to answer any questions you may have about our rehab program in Mt. Washington, KY.

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