How Drug Rehabilitation In Louisville Assists With Opioid Addiction Recovery

by | Jul 28, 2021

Addiction can be a challenging and isolating struggle, but it is important to remember that you are not alone. If you are seeking addiction treatment in Louisville, Kentucky, there is hope.

Opioid abuse in the United States has grown exponentially in recent years. In fact, the misuse of prescription medication for pain relief was responsible for the deaths of nearly 50,000 people in 2019 alone. 

Concerns addressing the prescribing of these addictive medications is a national crisis. Many agencies are working to address the challenge of treating and preventing opioid abuse as well as reducing the number of people becoming addicted to prescription and nonprescription medication.

Studies have shown that the financial impact of opioid abuse and misuse has cost over $78 billion each year due to healthcare costs, loss of productivity in the workplace, addiction treatments, and criminal justice involvement.

Substance abuse of this nature isn’t discriminatory. It can affect anyone at any age. What was once a short-term prescription of pain medication such as fentanyl is now a growing problem across a wide section of the population, including both adults and the younger generation alike.

How Drug Rehabilitation In Louisville Assists With Opioid Addiction Recovery

Recovery from opioid addiction isn’t easy. Drug rehabilitation in Louisville can help those looking to break free from their addiction and get on the road to recovery in a controlled and supervised way.

Going to a recovery facility is one of the most effective ways to overcome opioid addiction and regain control of your life. Treatments are tailored to your particular needs, but they often begin with a detoxification procedure.

Rehabilitation usually entails a range of services and solutions, such as various treatments, groups, and, in certain situations, additional drugs. Various aspects of your addiction determine the duration of the treatment.

How Suboxone can Aid in Addiction Recovery

One such treatment option is Suboxone. Suboxone is only available with a prescription from a recovery facility or a doctor. It also usually comes with a fully customized care plan. Suboxone is extremely effective at assisting patients in managing withdrawal symptoms and reducing the risk of overdosing. Studies suggest that medically assisted care can be beneficial when combined with cognitive therapy and counseling.

Suboxone is a partial opioid agonist made of buprenorphine. By blocking opiate receptors in the brain, it prevents the opiate’s effect. This then aids in the suppression of personal desires. In addition, naloxone is a component of the medication. Naloxone counteracts the drug’s effects. These two ingredients work together to avoid high and withdrawal symptoms.

How Our Louisville Drug Rehab Can Help

The goal of a recovery program is more than just “getting clean.” Anyone can do a detox and then return to substance abuse in a matter of weeks. Instead, rehab focuses on equipping you with the skills and resources you’ll need to battle your addiction for the rest of your life. A successful recovery program’s aim isn’t just to get someone off drugs; it’s to keep them off drugs for good.

If you, or someone you care about, is dealing with opioid addiction and you don’t know where to turn, a recovery program will help you break the chains of addiction and move on the path to a happier, healthier life. Addiction does not define a person, and seeking help is the first step on the path to recovery.

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