What is the Importance of Individualized Addiction Treatment?

by | Jan 20, 2022

Addiction can be a challenging and isolating struggle, but it is important to remember that you are not alone. If you are seeking addiction treatment in Louisville, Kentucky, there is hope.

Individualized addiction treatment is like finding the best running shoes. Can you run in most shoes? Yes, but it might be painful, harder than necessary, and cause you to fall down many times. Finding the correct specialized addiction treatment to meet your needs is like finding the perfect running sneakers.

Through the Impact IOP, our group of high-quality addiction treatment centers are ready to support your rehabilitation through every step of the journey. With multiple facilities to choose from, we are here to help you find a treatment that fits.

Contact Impact IOP today. Expert care for Lasting Recovery.

What Does Individualized Addiction Treatment Mean?

Individualized addiction treatment means that a person can get treatment specifically designed to treat their personal addiction needs. This can vary by drug, situation, mental health, gender, therapeutic style, and many more factors, both large and small. A specialized rehab will meet the needs of the individual to increase the likelihood of improving mental health and maintaining sobriety after program completion.

Individualized addiction treatment can be determined by working one-on-one with an admissions counselor or treatment specialist to determine what would be best for you based on your preferences and their expertise. Through this process, a treatment plan can be developed that caters to the needs of the client while also being something they think they can manage, work through, and maintain. 

What is the Importance of Individualized Addiction Treatment?

Individualized addiction rehab can mean the difference between lifelong sobriety and relapse. The best rehabilitation will take into consideration the personal needs of the client, and interpret their wants in a way that promotes a successful lifestyle change. Individualized addiction treatment is guided by several overarching ideals and broken down into smaller, more specialized needs. Treatment type, style, and environment all play an important role in the initial individualization of addiction treatment.

Treatment type is one of the first and most important decisions you can make as you start your recovery journey. Choosing a rehabilitation that is too lax for your needs can be a waste of time and money, and the same can be said for choosing a rehabilitation program that is too strict. This is why treatment programs range from inpatient residential treatment to outpatient community meetings. When you speak with an addiction counselor, they may be able to guide you in the best option for you based on your history and future goals. It is often recommended for individuals with moderate to severe addiction to attend inpatient treatment that removes them from the environment and provides them with the support to detox, recover, and develop a transferable routine.

The second factor that is critically important to a specialized treatment program is the style of treatment. Just like individuals are different, so are the treatments that work best for them. Addiction treatment can range from traditional evidence-based therapeutic styles that promote behavioral changes to alternative addiction treatments that support the body’s transition to a new lifestyle to help maintain the behavioral changes. Individuals often find success in a mix of both styles. 

Finally, an admissions counselor will discuss the environment of the therapy center with you. This, while seemingly less important, can have one of the most significant impacts on addiction treatment. Feeling comfortable in a location where you may be living or attending frequent treatment is paramount to your recovery. If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, healing from the trauma of addiction and trying to recover can be unsuccessful. Finding a comfortable and positive environment includes things like single-gender or coed treatment facilities, available amenities, and housing. 

How to Find Individualized Addiction Treatment Near Me

Improper rehabilitation that does not meet the needs of the client can sour a person to the idea of treatment and therapy and ultimately be a waste of money. By finding individualized addiction treatment that works for you in a location of your choosing, you can make the best choice for your future.

Our intensive outpatient rehab provides supportive therapeutic treatment for individuals with substance use disorders and a number of common comorbid mental health disorders. Our expert staff works with clients at their pace and their level to provide the best possible care to each individual. 
Contact us to see how one of our top-notch Midwest treatment centers can support your rehabilitation journey today.

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