Opioid Detox, Rehab, and Addiction Treatment in Louisville, Kentucky

by | Feb 14, 2023

Addiction can be a challenging and isolating struggle, but it is important to remember that you are not alone. If you are seeking addiction treatment in Louisville, Kentucky, there is hope.

In recent years, opioid addiction has become a major problem in Kentucky. What complicates things is that opioids are useful medicines when taken the right way i.e. to relieve or treat chronic pain. The downside is that they’re prone to abuse and highly addictive.

Once opioids latch on to opioid receptors in the brain, they flood the brain with neurotransmitters, interfering with its function. Eventually, an individual becomes hooked and can’t do without getting a hit. Once their bodies build a tolerance to the drug, the individual has to keep taking more of it to achieve the same effect, creating a vicious cycle.

Opioid Addiction Treatment in Kentucky

The best way to beat opioid addiction is to attend an addiction treatment program. Impact Outpatient Program is a one-of-a-kind drug and alcohol treatment center located in Louisville, Kentucky. We provide rehab treatment on an outpatient basis for those who need our services.

At our Louisville rehab center, we offer different pathways to addiction recovery for those struggling with opioid addiction. Our main addiction treatment programs include intensive outpatient drug rehab (IOP) and outpatient treatment.

Before joining any of these treatment programs, we often recommend that our clients undergo detox first. This means joining a detoxification treatment program where your body gets the chance to safely remove opioids and any toxins left from the drugs. In some cases, this process triggers intense withdrawal symptoms and it’s recommended that you go for medically supervised detox. 

That way, trained medical professionals will be on hand to help you manage these symptoms and overcome them. Once you’re done with detox, you’re not mentally and physically ready to join our addiction treatment programs.

Addiction Treatment Choices in Kentucky

The choice of whether to join the intensive outpatient program or the outpatient treatment program depends on the severity of your addiction. If you require more intense care at par with residential treatment but don’t have the time for an inpatient program, IOP will be ideal for you.

The traditional outpatient program is designed for those with mild to moderate opioid addiction who want a way to attend rehab while still keeping up with the demands of their daily lives. This program is flexible enough to allow you to continue with school, work, or family responsibilities by attending a few hours of therapy per day, then going back home. 

For those who can’t make it for in-person therapy sessions, we have a telemedicine option that allows them to virtually attend sessions with their therapists.

Both our IOP and outpatient programs utilize evidence-based therapies including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and group therapy to help clients overcome addiction. We also focus on developing individualized treatment plans based on a client’s unique goals to provide the best path to recovery.

If you’re struggling with opioid addiction in Kentucky, help is available. Come talk to us at Impact Outpatient Program and let us help you rebuild an addiction-free life. 

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