When it comes to holding an intervention, it is essential to consider what is necessary for the user and the loved one. Having tips for holding a successful intervention could be the primary difference between success and failure.
Impact IOP is a Louisville rehab center with trained interventionists who can help you determine when, where, and what to say. Contact our professionals today to see how we can help you help your loved one.
What are the Signs Someone is Using Drugs?
If your loved one is using drugs, there may be some signs to help you identify this behavior before it evolves into addiction. For example, individuals using drugs will have physical, social, and work or school-related changes that can not be attributed to alternative reasons. In addition, many hide their drug use because they are embarrassed, concerned about the legal ramifications, or worried about the stigma surrounding drug use.
If your loved one is using, you may notice some or even just one of the following changes. Users may experience physical changes like weight loss or gain, increased acne, bruising at injection sites, changes in hygiene, and clothing preference.
Social changes may also occur in a loved one that is using drugs. This includes significant changes in the friend group, significant changes in close relationships, lack of participation in preferred activities, and personal interactions. Individuals struggling with addiction will spend most of their time getting the drug, using it, and then recovering from use.
Lastly, you can expect an individual using drugs to have issues at work or school related to responsibility, participation, absences, and safety. Unfortunately, individuals addicted to drugs are often more focused on their use than safety and accountability in the workplace or school. This lack of focus on essential items can lead to dangerous situations for the individual and those around them.
What is the Purpose of a Drug Intervention?
The purpose of a drug intervention is to provide information and support to a loved one whose drug use is problematic in a way that may endanger others or take advantage of them.
Loved one’s design interventions to present information to an addict that includes referencing their behavior and how it impacts them and those around them. In addition, they are designed to be supportive and helpful to an addict by identifying a support group of individuals who care about the person and providing literature about rehab centers and treatment facilities available.
When is an Intervention Needed?
An intervention is needed when an individual uses drugs illegally or in an unsafe manner. While this may seem obvious, it is essential to note that individuals who are not ready to hear the information provided during an intervention or feel attacked will be less likely to listen to what is being said.
When an individual is using drugs illegally, whether that be underage drinking or smoking marijuana, or consuming other illegal drugs like heroin, methamphetamines, or cocaine, it is essential to have an intervention that not only discusses the impact of the drugs on the individual but the legal ramifications of this kind of drug use.
For individuals who are using legal drugs in an unsafe manner, like binge drinking or mixing their prescription medications with other substances, it is essential to provide information about how this can impact their bodies.
The ideal times for intervention include:
- Following an arrest or other legal problem
- Following a relapse or
- Following a break in a boundary previously set
These times provide a catalyst for change, and by having a proactive, planned intervention, you can support your addicted loved one with information about rehabilitation.
Tips for Holding a Successful Intervention
Holding a successful intervention can be challenging, but it can be done with guidance and support.
The first tip for holding a successful intervention is to find an interventionist to help plan and guide the intervention. Interventionists can provide direct support and tips for interventions at the moment. In addition, they will often run an intervention and guide the individuals in the group on what is helpful and what isn’t.
Another intervention tip is to remember to keep the space calm. Raising your voice, shouting, or making accusing statements will put the person on edge, which will likely cause them to be unresponsive to the support you are trying to provide. It also helps to use “I” statements. This places the ownness of the situation on the planner and provides the addict with information about the other person’s feelings, which they may not know.
Impact IOP offers intensive outpatient treatment in Louisville, KY. Contact us today to learn more about our Kentucky outpatient treatment.