What Makes A Good Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center?

by | Feb 23, 2022

Addiction can be a challenging and isolating struggle, but it is important to remember that you are not alone. If you are seeking addiction treatment in Louisville, Kentucky, there is hope.

There are various treatment centers, and choosing the best can be confusing. These tips below will assist you in finding the right kind of drug and alcohol treatment center that is best for you or your loved one.

What Does a Good Drug And Alcohol Treatment Center Consist of?

1. A good drug and alcohol treatment center should offer various treatments. 

Different people have different needs, and therefore different kinds of treatment will be necessary to meet the needs of every person. A good drug and alcohol treatment center should have a variety of other therapies available, such as:

Behavioral Therapy

 – helps people change their behaviors by showing them new ways to handle stress, avoid temptations/triggers, etc.

Cognitive Therapy

 – focuses on how a person thinks and learns and helps them change their negative patterns of thinking.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) combines behavioral therapy and cognitive therapy.

Family-Based Therapies

 – include several different types of treatment that are effective in helping families deal with drug use and other problems.

Motivational Therapies

 – help people become motivated to change their behavior.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

 – similar to cognitive-behavioral therapy, includes mindfulness training, distress tolerance skills, emotion regulation skills, etc.

2. A treatment center should have a good rapport with the patients and their families

Starting with admissions, the staff should be friendly, compassionate, knowledgeable, caring, and understanding. They should create a therapeutic environment for people to recover from drug addiction or alcoholism safely and healthily.

A good drug and alcohol addiction center will spend time listening to their patients and communicating effectively with them about important issues.

3. The treatment center should be licensed by the state in which it operates 

This means that they have been approved to operate and have been inspected for compliance with safety, patient care, etc. In addition, a good drug and alcohol treatment center will get feedback from former patients on how well they were treated and how satisfied they were with the services they received.

A good drug and alcohol treatment center will also post their accreditation status on their website and contact information for any complaints or grievances that former patients may have filed against them with licensing boards.

4. A national or state accrediting agency should accredit a good drug and alcohol treatment center

These agencies assess the quality of an organization’s services and programs and only award the highest marks to the best organizations.

5. The treatment center will use licensed or certified counselors, therapists, etc. 

Although it can be expensive to pay for a full-time counselor when you might only need counseling services every once in a while, good counseling programs are always available for people who need them.

6. The center will work with your insurance company to get you the most out of your benefits

Many people don’t know that their insurance can pay for detoxification services, inpatient care, intensive outpatient care, etc. It is always a good idea to ask about these things when looking for a drug and alcohol treatment center.

7. A good drug and alcohol treatment center will have relationships with other organizations in the community

These are organizations that can help people get back on their feet after they complete addiction treatment programs. For example, suppose you attend outpatient treatments. In that case, a good rehab center will refer you to other organizations for support, such as 12-Step meetings or other groups that deal with similar problems. Also, a good treatment center will help connect people with potential employment opportunities once they leave the program.

8. A good treatment center should have trained staff members who can help you after leaving the program

For example, suppose someone is transitioning from inpatient to outpatient treatments. In that case, they should have access to support services that will allow them to work through problems related to their addiction and make good choices about the direction of their life.

In Closing

Although many people will want more intensive care once they complete a drug and alcohol treatment program, there are other things that they can do to take care of their mental and physical health.

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