How Can I Beat A Cocaine Addiction In Outpatient Care?

by | May 4, 2022

Addiction can be a challenging and isolating struggle, but it is important to remember that you are not alone. If you are seeking addiction treatment in Louisville, Kentucky, there is hope.

Cocaine addiction can be subtle. It’s one of the most addictive substances in the world and as such, you don’t have to be constantly taking it in order to be addicted. But that moment when either your or a loved one’s use of cocaine starts to damage work, relationships, and overall financial health means usage is becoming a problem. 

Signs like these mean it’s best to think about getting in touch with an addiction treatment center. Getting help for a cocaine addiction is possible through an outpatient care program, many of which are offered here at Louisville Addiction Treatment Center. With outpatient care to rely on, you can resume your day-to-day life with an extra bit of help and support to stay on track with beating addiction. Let’s go through how this works below. 

What is Outpatient Care?

Outpatient care is a form of treatment that enables a patient to stay at home without any need for overnight observance. When it comes to a rehab center, offering outpatient care programs to patients can help them to feel more at ease with facing their addiction and reaching out for help. 

Outpatient care is also good for allowing patients to maintain control over their lives. They can still follow a day-to-day routine that’s familiar and comfortable to them, but have a treatment program to fall back on at the same time. Outpatient programs tend to be less disruptive and are usually the first port of call when a new patient is admitted. 

Beating a cocaine addiction in outpatient care can be done in a variety of ways. Depending on the rehab center you work with outpatient services can vary, but here are three of the most effective: 

Intensive Outpatient Program

Outpatient programs have proven effective time and time again against cocaine addictions. All therapies used in them are evidence-backed and often medication-assisted, and any support groups or one on one counseling sessions are conducted judgment-free. 

An Intensive Outpatient Program works by allowing patients the freedom and security they’re used to, on the promise of attending all therapy sessions and in-person counseling services assigned to their case. All cases are personalized to suit each patient, with some needing upwards of 5 days of therapy per week to help beat their addiction. 

Not only that, but outpatient facilities are often a lot more affordable for families on a low income, which can better allow a patient to keep up with a year-long treatment program. This enables a patient to commit with the future in mind – a factor that’s missing from a lot of rehab inpatient programs. 


Another form of outpatient care that’s been proven effective against cocaine addictions is telemedicine. Our Telehealth for Addiction services works on a flexible basis, allowing patients to both receive treatment and keep up with a program from the comfort of their own home.

By working through a screen, a rehab professional has the chance to get to know each patient on a deeper level. Patients can be seen within their homes or in an environment of their choice and can be supported by their loved ones in a more familiar situation. No matter where you are, a healthcare professional never has to be too far away. 

Similarly, in high-intensity situations such as the current pandemic, telehealth services have been able to breach the gap between needing addiction support and actually having access to it. No longer does a patient have to be constantly in person to see a counselor (although these options are still on the table). 

Multiple Pathways Treatment

Finally, patients struggling with cocaine addiction respond very positively to Multiple Pathways Treatment. When it comes to our own Impact Outpatient Program, we always use therapies in tandem with one another. This allows our rehab professionals to address addiction concerns holistically and provides a patient with many more options to fall back on when triggers in their home environments become too much to handle. 

Combining CBT with medication assistance, for example, can help a professional to address both mental and physical concerns. As a result, a person undergoing this form of therapy has the chance to rely on more than one form of healthy, supportive coping strategy. 

Cocaine addictions can be effectively managed via outpatient services. Time and time again the greater level of control afforded by these programs over your own life can help the road to recovery feel more achievable.

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